Maze festival, TB style is in the house…
A multitude of colors, an industrial quantity of performance and innovative ideas.
A luxurious multi sensorial impact or more simply a gradual falling down towards a sense of pleasure, street-style pleasure. An incredibleFestival of street culture, the first entirely dedicated to the most absorbing and contemporary expression of urban culture. Maze Festival has meant for #TBstyle a chance to express all his creative skills, favoring in such a way is pure imagination… but above all it has been a prestigious and an attractive showcase to share and exchange Ideas about fashion down the streets.
Shows, exhibition, contest, conference besides music and art-workshop have been taking place continuously touching the senses as well as the strongest emotions of each person.
Moreover fashion, color, music, hip-hop, special guests and so on… have been characterized by that special fragment of romanticism which is never out of place and on this occasion has given rise to the most important shows of streetwear international brands, skate performance, breakdance and street-dance which have allowed me to play a role as a true protagonist….
Come on, Torino we can!!!!
Following you can find a medley of photos containing all the adreline of this festival. They don’t need any comments since they speak for themselves….
Let’s go! Tb style is in the house!