Paris Mon Amour

This time #TBstyle is going to Paris : after Milano we are in the other big world center of international Fashion. From 25th of September to 4th of October Paris becomes the capital of luxury, where it’s possible for young Italian influencers to meet Dior, Chanel and many others famous Maison, a wide awake dream that I’m going to tell you, my dear friends who are following me with such affection.

Actors, actresses, models , showgirls, journalists and celebrities have been lighting up the stage meanwhile I was trying to loose myself in typical transalpine glamour.

Just like fairytales as the mythic Vasco Rossi would say.

Prestigious brands, breathtaking outfits and the most peculiar looks have conquered the podium thanks to style and pragmatist mood, right in the heart of Paris arrondissement. Chapeau!

Street style, catwalks, interviews, beauty look, and countless events have involved me directly and I’ve taking part to them with the usual enthusiasm managing to let my professionalism appear #TBstyle everywhere.

I’ve been definitely impressed by the second edition of “Sommet international de la mode (Sim). Sim 2017 has closed on the 4th of October and the French fashion week has had, as its main theme “Paris fashion week for peace”. The excellence and the worldwide talents, among these some of the most remarkable protagonists of French and international design have shown their haute couture collections in Paris for the first time. The Czech designer Jana Holikova, creator of a famous brand of gloves has gained and in December she will take part to a glamorous show in Beverly Hills. Among the several partners of Sim there were also the European Commission the enterprise europe network (Een) and the union camere Piedmont.

Certainly I’m not the only one to think so but the organizers’ job has been focused this year in a special way to make people understand, despite the numerous terroristic attacks which have stricken France and its capital city, how fashion may unite people and skills; beauty is a universal language, the result of man’s creativity which is able to promote peace all over the world.

Nevertheless it’s also true that “if you don’t see you can’t realize it! And that’s why here you can find the most rappresentative and charming pics describing this super fashion week!