Francesco Morisco’s bracelets AUA

Meeting with Francesco Morisco, in Pitti Uomo 89, for his AUA bracelets collection.
Good evening Francesco. Firstly why bracelets?
Because from my life experience I’ve proved that “The most sad stories connect to the finger, the most beautiful ones connect to the wrist”. My bracelets are just like this, a combination of positive emotions that push towards a spirit of renovation.
So in your bracelets there’s much about you and your life, what memories bring to your mind when creating these fresh and refined colors?
For sure my childhood spent at the seaside united with those kaleidoscopic moments of adventures, smiles, cries, goals…each part of the bracelets becomes a symbol whose meaning we can find out in the memories of all us.
However, the design of your bracelets is strongly innovative, how do they link to the past?
My aesthetics is depicted on the base of the elements from the past but contains a innovative and creative spirit in itself. Everything was born from the past, and it is our point of view that makes it new, different, original, unique…Definitely an AUA bracelet.
These are my favorites: Luna Limited on the left and Stromboli d’inverno on the right.
To see all the gorgeous models you can visit the site:


